Saturday, December 1, 2007

Happy Thanskgiving!!

We had 16 people here on Thanksgiving Day.
This was probably the most memorable one yet. We had lots of food, fun, family and football.
In order to make room for everyone to sit and eat together we cleared out the living room and moved our dining room furniture to the living room and borrowed some tables from a local church.
This picture blow is reminiscent of Norman Rockwell's painting:
From left to right - Rick, Regan, RaeAnn, Toni, Landy (Candice's cousin from Miami), Roxi (Candice's mom), Adrian (hardly visible-Landy's son), Carmen, Yesi (Landy's wife), Peter (sailor Home from Baharain), Dustin, Candice, Catherine (Candice's sister), Joey (Catherine's beau).
Below Landy watches Reagan "instruct" Carmen on how to use your fingers to eat ice cream.
Landy is a wonderful family man who brought 20 loaves of Cuban bread (all the way from Miami), his family, and a delightful sense of humor. What an honor to meet him.

Now the tummies are full, the football game is on, and just being together is what it is all about.
From left to right -
Yesi -Landy's wife and our fellow coffee connoisseur. She also brought some Spanish deserts which were fantastic!
Adrian- Busy getting to the next level. He was an awesome young man of 10 years with perfect manners.
Catherine- is soon to be attending U. of Florida striving to become a Veterinarian.
Joey- will finish school next year with a degree to teach math.
Candice - The future Mrs Dustin Williams and soon-to-be elementary teacher.
Dustin - almost done with school and majoring in logistics.
Peter - Grew up with Dustin. We were thankful to have him spend the weekend with us before reporting for duty in San Diego.
in the back- Roxi- Candice's mom is a wonderful sister in Christ who volunteers her time at church to help teens recover from abuse. She is much more to us than being "Candice's mom" and more than what I have room to say... Awesome is a good start.

I hope to post more before CHRISTmas.

B'Shem Yeshua,

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