Monday, August 4, 2008

Graduation Day

Dustin did it!
He graduated from the University of North Florida (UNF) with a Bachelor's degree in Business Mgmt (specializing in Transportation and Logistics).

He worked two jobs, earned his way through, and got married
(to a wonderful Godly lady I might add).

We are all very proud of him.

Candice, (Dustin's lovely bride) is also a UNF student and may graduate in December `08. She is pursuing a Bachelor's Degree in Public Relations and a Elementary Education.
She is a very smart lady and wise beyond her years.

As this picture shows, she is very proud of her sweetheart.

They are so good for each other.
Here is Uncle Dustin holding Reagan (who was very well behaved during the ceremony).

And Dustin's sister RaeAnn. She also works in the transportation industry with APL. She has grown rapidly in the company and handles several national accounts. I used to be good at maps and geography... well, RaeAnn is the "go to" person nowadays. She can pretty much tell you what you need to know about major areas in the country ... by zip code! Toni and I love to hear our two grown-up kids talk "shop".

To say we are proud parents of two wonderful offspring is and understatement.

God has ceratinly blessed us beyond measure. The Bible says, "Children’s children are the crown of old men, And the glory of children is their Father. " (Proverbs 17:6) ... I know my dad would be tearfully proud.

Here - Toni and I stand with the grad. Some of you already know how the tears can well up from a deep sense of pride and joy. RaeAnn and Dustin continually overcome circumstances and make decisions which reflect their character and strong-heartedness.

As they were growing up, Toni and I would wonder what they would be like when the kids got older. I must proclaim with great pride, "Better than we expected!"

We have humbly thanked God for His help in raising RaeAnn and Dustin. The whole time we thought we were raising children... God helped us raise adults.

What graduation would be complete without a picture of the university fountain.

Every father, I think, wants greater things for they're children than they had... Dustin has done very well to accomplish that.

Of course, Gramma McLarty got to be there too!
She is equally proud. She has seen her grandchildren from babies to weddings, graduations, and a great-grandbaby. Many grandparents do not get that privelege.

Doesn't she look happy?

Dustin's hard work and perseverance was earned him the degree. He should be honored appropriately for sure... consequently,
his struggle for the prize blessed us all exceedingly!

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