Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Who's the mean rich guy behind the Obama's policies?

George Soros.  Go ahead Google it.  He is credited for breaking the British Bank and appears to be whispering in Obama's ear to pull-off another national economic collapse.  (Refer to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Soros).

Whenever the POTUS speaks of mean oil billionaires and and hedge fund operators think about George Soros who made an estimated $10 billion off our recent debt debate farce. (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2023809/Did-George-Soros-win-10-1-return-S-Ps-US-credit-rating-downgrade.html)

The Hungarian (not American), rich man is also dropping investors from his own fund which grew from $4 billion to over $25 billion.  Why? because he does not want to comply with US Securities commission requirements to disclose his investors.  (http://www.ft.com/home/us).

Please use this as you wish to defray the socialist puppets that conservatives have all the money and and are buying politicians.  I have no doubt that some of that is true... but blatant and arrogant disregard for our way of life is as damaging and fighting any enemy on our own shores.

Capitalism is not evil, greed is... and greed is funding the Obama administration's policies.  I have more on the mean rich guy, but I want be brief.  We are under attack by foreign money and they have an ally in the White House.  Let's fix it.

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